Li-pallets tsa tšepe tse ikhethileng bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea roboto

Haufinyane tjena, k'hamphani ea rona e notlollotse sesebelisoa se secha sa pallet, se sebelisetsoang ho sebetsana le liroboto, thepa kapa ho lata.Pallet eohle e entsoe ka li-uprights tse 'nè ka tlase le setsi sa motheo, sebopeho se bonolo.E ka tlaase e phahame ho feta li-pallets tse tloaelehileng ho tloha fatše 'me e na le sebaka se itseng, se loketseng hore roboto e nke kapa e behe fatše.Paletla e batla e le khōlō, ka bolelele ba 1800mm le bophara ba 1200mm.Ha e le hantle, boholo bo ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng.Ho ea ka litlhoko tsa ho behoa kapa ho boloka thepa e fapaneng, rala boholo bo fapaneng ba liphalete.

Ho ea ka litlhoko tsa bareki bakeng sa ho boloka thepa, phanele ea pallet e entsoe ka li-tubes tse nang le mahlakore a mabeli, 'me ho etsoa poleiti ea tšepe bohareng ba pallet,' me letšoao "leshome" le ngotsoe, ka nako e ts'oanang, logo e lumellanang le eona. e betliloeng tlase.Joale roboto e ka hlahloba logo ebe e etsa ts'ebetso e latelang.Li-tabs li cheselitsoe ka mahlakoreng 'ohle a phanele ho tšoara thepa sebakeng le ho e thibela ho oela fatše.Ka tlaase, li-block blocks li boetse li cheselitsoe ka thōko ho li-uprights tse 'nè ho thibela ts'ebetso e sa lokelang, e ka lumellang roboto hore e fumane sebaka se nepahetseng sa pallet.

pallet ea tšepe

Joalokaha bohle re tseba, 'mala oa pallet o ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng, moreki o ile a khetha' mala o moputsoa ka kakaretso.Botlaaseng ba pallet, ke hore, phanele ea pallet, e ka etsoa ka mefuta e fapaneng ho latela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa polokelo ea moreki.

Today we introduced is the new application of pallets. Conventionally, we have variety type of pallets, such as two-legged, three-legged, double-sided pallets, single-sided pallets, right-angle pallets, rounded pallets, galvanized, powder coated, pallets on the shelf, and pallets not on the shelf, etc. It greatly facilitate the storage and handling of goods. If any interest for the pallets, kindly email us at


Nako ea poso: Nov-09-2022